Editing Your Facebook News Feed

April 8, 2011

In trying to keep up with the ever-changing Facebook, here’s a tip to help restore a setting you may not realize has been changed in your Facebook news feed.

Did you find this helpful? Feel free to share with your friends and fellow business owners.

Feel free to leave a comment or contact us if you have any other questions.

Video Marketing as a Valuable Tool

March 9, 2011

In the following video, Social Media Platform CEO/President Sonja Dyess spoke to a group of real estate investors in Jacksonville, FL about video marketing. She taught them everything they needed to know to help advertise their business using video marketing. Videos that are produced online tend to go viral in 24-48 hours depending on the content, the audience and how it is distributed. If you would like for Social Media Platform to speak at your event or coach your staff about the massive world of social media, visit the Social Media Platform website or send us an email.

What One Thing Do People Associate With Your Business?

October 26, 2010

It may not be what you think, such as your main product or service. It might be something seemingly insignificant to you, but particularly memorable for them. It may not be as simplistic or as silly as associations children may have with a place (e.g. “the red store” or the bank where “the nice lady gives out candy”). However, remember each interaction a consumer or prospective client has with your business, whether it be in person or online through social media, can have a direct impact. Your business may stand out from others simply because your tweets or Facebook updates feed them valuable tips or make them laugh. Your business might stand out in their minds from your competitors if you went above and beyond your normal business routine to give them exceptional service or follow up to see how they are doing some time after the sale or time of service. The good news is, through social media, you can tailor your message daily to help sculpt the positive experiences and interactions with your customers and seek their nearly immediate feedback as well.

Social Media’s Immediate Feedback Saves the Gap

October 14, 2010

Okay, “saves” may not be the right word, but thanks to social media, the Gap realized very quickly how dissatisfied fans and consumers were with their recent logo change. One such story regarding this week’s gaffe can be read at Mashable.com. Kudos to the Gap for listening to their followers and reverting to the former, well-loved logo.

We realize that not every business decision can be submitted to all your supporters for their approval, but I think this example illustrates the value of listening to their opinions nevertheless.

2 October blog post ideas



Melinda Jones

to Sonja

show details Oct 13 (2 days ago)
Here are two ideas for October blog posts, the first one of more immediate relevance, and the second one could be used at any time. Let me know what you think.     *jumping on checking on all those SMP accounts now…*

Social Media’s Immediate Feedback Saves the Gap

Okay, “saves” may not be the right word, but thanks to social media, the Gap realized very quickly how dissatisfied fans and consumers were with their recent logo change. One such story regarding this week’s gaffe can be read at http://mashable.com/2010/10/11/gap-logo/.
Kudos to the Gap for listening to their followers and reverting to the former, well-loved logo.

We realize that not every business decision can be submitted to all your supporters for their approval, but I think this example illustrates the value of listening to their opinions nevertheless.

What One Thing Do People Associate With Your Business?

It may not be what you think, such as your main product or service. It might be something seemingly insignificant to you, but particularly memorable for them. It may not be as simplistic or as silly as associations children may have with a place (e.g. “the red store” or the bank where “the nice lady gives out candy”). However, remember each interaction a consumer or prospective client has with your business, whether it be in person or online through social media, can have a direct impact. Your business may stand out from others simply because your tweets or Facebook updates feed them valuable tips or make them laugh. Your business might stand out in their minds from your competitors if you went above and beyond your normal business routine to give them exceptional service or follow up to see how they are doing some time after the sale. The good news is, through social media, you can tailor your message daily to help sculpt the positive experiences and interactions with your customers and seek their nearly immediate feedback as well.


Sonja Dyess

to me

show details Oct 13 (2 days ago)

I saw that about the GAP and was thinking the same thing!!! These are both good. Go with it. Don’t forget to fill out the tag section and categories when posting on the blog. Make sure you did those with the other postings you have done. J Great job as usual!!!

Sonja Dyess

“I’ll Tweet You Right”

Social Media Platform





From: Melinda Jones [mailto:melindaj7@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 1:07 PM
To: Sonja Dyess
Subject: 2 October blog post ideas

– Show quoted text –


Here are two ideas for October blog posts, the first one of more immediate relevance, and the second one could be used at any time. Let me know what you think.     *jumping on checking on all those SMP accounts now…*

Social Media’s Immediate Feedback Saves the Gap

Okay, “saves” may not be the right word, but thanks to social media, the Gap realized very quickly how dissatisfied fans and consumers were with their recent logo change. One such story regarding this week’s gaffe can be read at http://mashable.com/2010/10/11/gap-logo/.
Kudos to the Gap for listening to their followers and reverting to the former, well-loved logo.

We realize that not every business decision can be submitted to all your supporters for their approval, but I think this example illustrates the value of listening to their opinions nevertheless.

What One Thing Do People Associate With Your Business?

It may not be what you think, such as your main product or service. It might be something seemingly insignificant to you, but particularly memorable for them. It may not be as simplistic or as silly as associations children may have with a place (e.g. “the red store” or the bank where “the nice lady gives out candy”). However, remember each interaction a consumer or prospective client has with your business, whether it be in person or online through social media, can have a direct impact. Your business may stand out from others simply because your tweets or Facebook updates feed them valuable tips or make them laugh. Your business might stand out in their minds from your competitors if you went above and beyond your normal business routine to give them exceptional service or follow up to see how they are doing some time after the sale. The good news is, through social media, you can tailor your message daily to help sculpt the positive experiences and interactions with your customers and seek their nearly immediate feedback as well.



September 28, 2010

Spelling it all out

September 16, 2010

As I was driving down a local highway, I noticed a local tire repair shop’s outdoor sign advertising “WIFI YL U W8.” It was interesting to note that while they were advertising the availability of WiFi to customers who are waiting on service, they also were using text-speak to do so. With the prevalence of text messaging, Twitter, social networking, instant messaging, and such, most passersby probably read the ad with no problem, but I wonder if any customers felt put off by the message.

What do you think? Should they have spelled out “WiFi while you wait” (which easily falls into the common billboard advertising guideline of keeping your message to seven words or less), or are they “keeping with the times” by using such abbreviations? Is this a good way to make their business memorable? It certainly got my attention. Let us know what you think – would you use “text speak” to garner attention in your more conventional marketing methods, e.g. print, billboards, outdoor marquees, etc.?

We will never forget. In remembrance of the victims of 9/11

September 11, 2010

We will never forget. In remembrance of those affected by 9/11. We pray for you!

Even the experts don’t know it all

September 10, 2010

Being an expert in your field doesn’t mean you will always know ALL the answers. Clients and prospects want to know your company has a vast knowledge, but oftentimes they also appreciate it when you admit when you don’t know the answer. The most important thing, however, is to take the time to find the answer so you and the client can be the better for it.

Several years ago, an expectant mother about to have her first child was asking friends, family, and her midwife about recommendations for a pediatrician. One name popped up several times for a variety of sound reasons. In her prepared childbirth class, a couple added their recommendation of the same pediatrician because he had been stumped by the set of symptoms exhibited by their older child. The pediatrician honestly admitted he wasn’t sure and took the care to research it further to reach a conclusive diagnosis. Because of that honesty and research, they vowed he would be all their kids’ pediatrician. The new mother chose him and when her first-born had a slightly common condition that children sometimes outgrow, the pediatrician didn’t dismiss it and chose to have it checked out more thoroughly in case intervention was needed. Since then, she has chosen him for all her children.

Social networks serve to increase the scope of where customers and clients seek these recommendations. Today, the expectant mom may seek these recommendations from her friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances near and far through Facebook, discussion boards, local blogs and websites.

Being well-known as an expert is great, but being well-known AND willing to continue advancing that expertise to benefit your customer is even better.

If you’re struggling with having time to do posts…

September 9, 2010

If you’re struggling with having time to do posts, keep your posts shorter, or consider breaking longer posts into a 2-part or 3-part series. This not only makes your blog look extremely proactive, but it helps sort out post topics for your readers and subscribers.

Exchanging blog posts can only help.

September 8, 2010

Exchange blog posts. You’ll be introducing your blog to a whole new set of potential followers. When you include a link back to your own blog, this also works as a link building strategy which helps with organic search. Seek out partners with complementary products or services so you can be sure that your guest post will resonate with your new audience.